An Earlier Time
danielandcompany Brandywine Raceway circa 1971 I remember that at an earlier age I was very concerned with how I would spend my Friday nights. Youth came and went, along with the wild antics and adventures - desperate to have some fun! I'm glad I survived and can now laugh about those years. My dad and I used to watch the Friday Night Fights on TV. This was back in the sixties. One thing led to another, and though it's a long and eliptic story, those hours spent with my dad led to my ultimately meeting The Champ - Muhammad Ali - and getting to shake his hand. We were not rich, but what do kids know of these things. I mowed lawns and delivered newspapers and got a job at the supermarket at sixteen. I went to a small high school and was able to play sports - basketball, cross-country, golf and baseball. By the time college came along, sports gave way to my love of horses and I took to grooming and part-time training of standardbred horses (trotters). B...